After quitting smoking, why is breath so tight?

Quitting smoking is the best step to improving quality of life. However, this action also raises side effects, one of them shortness of breath. Do you know why former smokers experience this side effect? Then, is there a way to overcome shortness of breath when quitting smoking? Let's find the following answer.

Why do you feel breathlessness when quitting smoking?

Cigarettes contain a variety of cancer-triggering chemicals (carcinogens). When smoking, it means you give the body the intake of chemicals, such as nicotine, tar, or carbon monoxide. All substances that are not needed by the body can precisely trigger health problems in the later days.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, the CDC reported that smoking has led to more deaths of 480,000 in the United States annually. This could be due to an almost 90% cigarette that causes lung cancer and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

This is the reason why smoking habit should be discontinued. Unfortunately, quitting smoking is not an easy thing. Former smokers may experience shortness of breath when quitting smoking.

Shortness of breath when quitting smoking is wrong stau symptoms of breaking cigarettes.

As long as you smoke, the chemicals in cigarettes provide various reactions to the body. Well, when you quit this habit, the body needs to adjust so that you inflict various side effects.

Then, why the shortness of breath after quitting smoking?

Cigarette smoke and other chemicals that go into the body can damage the lungs, which is to thicken the mucus of your breathing apparatus. When you quit smoking, your lungs will re-recover and slime will be reduced. Well, this recovery process can cause you to feel shortness of breath, continued coughing, or sore throat.

Nevertheless, you should not underestimate the shortness of breath when quitting smoking. It could be a sign that you have experienced breathing problems when it starts to quit this bad habit.

So, the best step is to check your health to the doctor. Your doctor will recommend lung function tests to find out what causes shortness of breath that you are experiencing.

In addition, the doctor will also consider several things, such as how long you smoke and how many cigarettes you usually spend a day.

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Tips for overcoming shortness of breath when quitting smoking
If you quit smoking, prepare yourself to detoxify the lungs. That way, side effects from breaking the cigarette will be reduced and subsided.

There are a few steps you can take to help restore the lungs from toxins and carcinogens, such as:

1. Drink a lot of water
White water can help dilute the phlegm lining your respiratory tract. This melt slime will be easier to be removed by the body cough. So, increase your white water intake every day.

You can drink warm water or other hot drinks to relieve the symptoms of cough and sore throat.

2. Increase nutrient-rich food intake
To accelerate the recovery process from shortness of breath when quitting smoking, your lungs need nutrients. The nutrients you can get from various types of foods, from vegetables, fruits, nuts, to meat. However, reduce the intake of foods high in salt and sugar to reduce the inflammation that occurs.

3. Diligent exercise
To improve your breathing rate, some types of exercise can help. You can choose Yoga as a physical exercise. These exercises can train breathing that improves lung work so that you can breathe better.

4. Avoid cigarette smoke
Even if you quit smoking, cigarette smoke can still be inhalation of you. Especially, if the people around you are a smoker. So, it's good to avoid being around those people when they're smoking.

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