Complete Nutrition Guide for people with heart disease

Heart disease is a condition characterized by problems or disorders of the heart organs. Drug Administration is one of the efforts to cope with this disease. However, there is also a change in lifestyle to support the effectiveness of medical treatment. Well, one lifestyle that should be changed is to understand the rules of food for heart sufferers.

What are the nutritional needs of people with heart disease?

Broadly, in fact all people need nutrients in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to support all of their body activities. The number of people needed is not the same.

It is usually determined by various factors. Ranging from age, gender, height, weight, to physical activity carried out every day. No exception to heart disease.

People who have heart disease usually need more specific nutritional intake than normal people in general. Either it is antioxidant nutrients, or even recommended to avoid food sources that could be worsening its health condition.

But to be aware, the food arrangement for the heart sufferers who are one and the other is not necessarily the same. For example, heart disease caused by the presence of blockage in blood vessels, with heart failure disease requires different nutritional intake.

What are the daily calorie and macro nutrient needs of cardiac patients?

When viewed in general, the average calorie need for adult heart disease is around 1500-2000 calories (Kal). With the breakdown of macro nutrient intake:

55-60 percent carbohydrate
15-20 percent protein
25-30 percent fat

The recommended fat needs can also be subdivided, as for saturated fatty acids should be less than 10 percent. While for single-chain fatty acids as much as 20 percent, and double chain fatty acids are about 10 percent.

Nevertheless, the amount of nutrient intake in food for each heart sufferer can actually vary. Again, it is determined by age, gender, weight, height, and daily activities. Not only that, the severity of the disease also involved as a determinant of its nutritional needs.

How is the food recommended for heart disease sufferers?

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Intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats should always be in the daily diet for heart sufferers. However, it is important to remember that the heart is closely related to various other diseases, such as kidney disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure (hypertension). Automatic, food selection should not be carelessly.

In other words, it's best to adapt to any other risk factors next to heart disease. Well, for the source of carbohydrates you can fulfill from foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals in it.

As for fats, look for good food sources to support heart health. For example avocados, olive oil, sea fish, almonds, walnut (walnut), kidney beans, green beans, grains, as well as fish oil.

For those of you who have heart disease, there is actually no recommendation of a special drink. However, the rule may be slightly different if you experience heart failure often accompanied by swelling of the heart, hands, and feet.  In this case, the number of drinks consumed every day must be adjusted again with the condition of the body and health of the patient.

Instead, avoid food sources that are indeed harmful to your heart condition. Offal, chicken skin, and fat in beef is a source of food with a high saturated fat content. All these foods should be avoided or should not be eaten at all by heart sufferers.

In addition, food rules for heart patients should also reduce consumption of food and beverage packaging that usually has a high content of sugar, salt, and preservatives. The reason, the various foods and beverages are generally able to raise blood pressure, so that later affects the function of the heart.
Why should cardiac patients reduce fat intake?

Actually not all fat sources should be avoided. Type of good fats can still be consumed and do not need to be reduced. However, it remains to be noted if the heart sufferer is attempting to lose weight. Such good fat intake may have to be slightly reduced, as it still contains high enough calories.

Another is the case with nasty fats that should be avoided at all by people with heart disease. Not without reason, this fat source can precisely worsening the condition of the heart because it inhibits the blood flow of the body.

In addition, also note how to cultivate your food. It's good to avoid cooking with deep frying method, or fry by soaking in hot oil. Besides being able to damage nutrients in foods, the cooking methods can also add to the fat content of evil.

Try using other cooking instead. You can steam, memepes, or burn, but still pay attention to the source of the food.

Can a heart disease patient eat a snack?

Of course you can and no restrictions. However, my advice is to choose a snack or snack from the recommended food source. Avoid eating too much food through the process of processing, even given a lot of additional preservatives, dyes, and flavorings.

If you want to snacking, you can choose to eat boiled yam or corn and not the one that has been processed into a compote or popcorn. Or sample snack foods for people with other heart disease, choose beans, such as sunflower seeds or kuaci derived from pumpkin seeds.

Sometimes, you may be wanting to have a certain meal but fear the content of the ingredients in it. The solution, try to select and exercise the food by conquers the mixture itself as needed.

What is the consequence if the dietary rules for heart sufferers are not adhered?

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Not impossible, ignoring the rules of food for people with heart disease can thus make this condition worse. The severity is not the same, but it varies depending on the type of heart disease you have.

Here's the explanation. When you have blockage of blood vessels, but still often eat foods that are high in saturated fats, automatic blood vessels will be increasingly narrowed. This certainly enlarges your risk to experiencing a second heart attack.

In addition to endangering the heart, narrowing of blood vessels occurring in the brain at risk makes you stricken with stroke. In other cases, this condition can even lead to the failure of the body's organs.

So in fact, these daily dietary rules are not only needed by people with heart disease. Regardless of how health conditions are, everyone actually needs to observe and sort out his daily dietary intake.

Essentially, this is the right food for heart sufferers
From the various suggestions that I have previously submitted, here is the outline of daily food rules for people with heart disease:

Enjoy a variety of foods that are recommended for your health condition.

Limit daily fat intake, and use a low-fat food cooking method.
If you want to eat meat, you should choose the one without fat. Good for red meat, poultry, fish, and more.

Eat fish at least 2 times a week.
Eat nuts regularly, one of them lentils.

Choose low-fat dairy products.
Strengthen the intake of fiber, for example by eating about 5-10 portions of vegetables and fruits every day.

Increase fiber intake up to 20-30 grams a day, for example by eating wheat bread and cereal with no sugar additives.

Avoid eating snacks and desserts with high fat content.

Try to reduce sugar intake in daily foods.

Try to reduce salt intake in daily foods.

Try to reduce drinking caffeinated drinks (coffee and tea), with a maximum of 3 cups per day
Make sure you are always physically active (consult the type of physical exercise that matches your age and physical limitations).

Don't forget to keep the ideal weight.

By holding these important rules, at least you can maintain the functioning of the heart organs while preventing the health condition from deteriorating.

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