Do not get to heart attack second time, here's how to appropriately prevent it

Of course, after having a heart attack for the first time, you don't want it to revisit. But unfortunately, the chances of a second-time heart attack may occur. It depends how you maintain the health of the body.

Not only once, a second heart attack can occur

It does not close the likelihood that you who are already affected by a heart attack will experience it again later on. This can happen if your lifestyle that was not changed becomes healthier.

As reported by the American Heart Association is the Heart Foundation in the United States, about 20% of patients aged 45 years and above have the opportunity to get a second attack. It generally occurs about 5 years after the first cardiac arrest.

Therefore, preventing a second heart attack is a top priority that you should have done. Well, there are a few things you should look out for in order to reduce those opportunities.

The primary key prevents a second heart attack from appearing

Indeed, it is not easy to change the habit that has been formed since long time. However, if you want to live healthier and avoid a variety of heart problems, you should avoid the various trigger.

So, in order to avoid the second heart attack or the next umpteenth time, you should follow these tips:

1. Quit smoking
mencegah penggunaan rokok dan narkoba pada anak

Smoking is one of the main causes of cardiac arrest. Tobacco can cause blood clotting, damage to blood vessels, and complicate blood as well as oxygen reaches other organs, including the heart.

If you have already experienced heart attack, then you should start from there you quit smoking, even avoid the smoke. Therefore, for those of you who want to quit smoking, you can start by:

Make plans to quit smoking
Replace tobacco with nicotine gum, nicotine patches, or medications prescribed by the doctor
Follow the program to help eliminate smoking habit.

If it's difficult, you can ask your doctor if there's a program that helps you get out of the devil's circle. In addition, the support of nearby people is also very influential to successfully stop this bad habit.

2. Eat healthier foods

makanan tidak sehat

Healthy food consumption can also reduce the risk of a second heart attack. Start to avoid foods that have high saturated fat and trans fats.

In addition, your diet medication with a small consumption of salt, sugar, and high-fat dairy products. Add more fruits, vegetables and protein without fat. If you can do it, eating automatic fatty levels of evil (LDL) and triglycerides will decrease.

High LDL and triglycerides can trigger the incidence of atherosclerosis plaque, so that even cardiac arrest can occur. Well, then from that start now reduce consumption of food type cakes, fried-fried, fries, and so on.

3. Controlling cholesterol levels

menjaga kolesterol normal

If you are still confused about what diet to follow to lower your bad cholesterol, you can undergo DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) program. Well, this one diet program aims to control hypertension.

By undergoing DASH, you can reduce salt intake and increase food variation that can lower blood pressure. This is done by keeping meals 3 times a day to provide adequate intake of 2000 calories during the year. Ranging from eating whole wheat food, multiply fruits and vegetables, until it limits the intake of food processed with coconut oil.

In addition to the DASH diet program, doctors will usually recommend taking cholesterol-lowering medications, such as statins or ezetimbie if they are already severely.

High cholesterol can trigger a heart attack for the second time, so it is important to keep it in a safe boundary.

4. Routine exercise

manfaat berjalan kaki

Lowering LDL and blood pressure can also be done by exercising regularly. In addition to making health better, this habit also strengthens your heart muscle. For people with obesity, exercise is highly recommended to be able to lose their weight so that there is no back heart attack.

Start a workout routine for 30-60 minutes per day. No need to do extreme physical activity. You can use the treadmill that is in your gym or home to get started. If not there, the morning walk or jogging with the duration of the mentioned time is also a quite good alternative.

Before starting this activity, ask your doctor first. What type of exercise matches your current condition.

5. Limiting alcohol consumption

pesta miras sindroma putus alkohol sakau alkohol

In addition to cigarettes, alcohol is also included in vicious circles of heart attack disease. Therefore, it would be good if limiting to stop consuming alcohol.

This is because alcoholic beverages can increase blood pressure and stress to your heart. If you feel any difficulties, ask your doctor if there are any programs that can help you stop this habit.

6. Controlling stress levels

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After experiencing a heart attack, it is normal to feel the various emotions associated with this condition. Most likely you will feel hopeless because it is difficult to adapt to a new lifestyle. Well, if you are not able to control the level of stress after a heart attack, the second attack can be taken.

This is because your emotions are not too restrained and often irritable and offended. Therefore, try to control your emotions and ask the closest person for help to make it easier for you.

7. Conduct regular examination of diabetes

gejala pradiabetes

Both types of diabetes, both 1 and 2 certainly relate to your insulin hormone levels. For those with type 1 diabetes, they do not produce insulin and type 2 diabetes, producing less insulin, so it does not work optimally. Therefore, diabetics who have experienced heart attacks are strongly encouraged to change their lifestyles.

If they choose to ignore it, the chances of having a heart attack again are accompanied by stroke is very large.

8. Routinely consult a physician

penyebab sirosis hati

In addition to changing your diet and lifestyle, don't forget to keep coming to the sessions that are already scheduled by your doctor. It aims to help them monitor the development of your condition. Obey what doctors recommend and keep taking medications that have been prescribed by them is an excellent step to prevent the occurrence of a second heart attack.

Undergo a cardiac rehabilitation program

program hamil, pria tidak subur

Basically, cardiac rehabilitation programs are very beneficial for people who have experienced heart attacks. This design is highly recommended by the doctor because it can manage the lifestyle to be healthier and choose the physical activity that is safe for you.

Usually, some programs of physical activity include; Walking or running on treadmills, aerobic gymnastics, and swimming. Well, to get a program that matches your current condition, please contact your doctor and ask him or her. In addition, you should also consider some of the following before joining the program:

Have a doctor's referral
Your doctor will accept the progress of your condition regularly

Undergo stress-level inspection to find out which type of program suits you

Check out the education and counseling services for your family and people nearby.

The staff in the program are certified and trained
Not forgetting to adjust it to your financial condition

The point is that people who have been affected by heart attack also have a big enough chance to experience it again. Therefore, it is very important to change the lifestyle for the better to minimize that possibility.

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